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Dublin Airport Authority

Club Notes

May 11, 2020

It is widely accepted that GAA clubs are far more than sports groups. They are community organisations whose positive and wholesome influence is woven into the fabric of every town and village in the country. Nowhere is that more in evidence than in our own club at the moment where our Community Volunteer Group continue to do trojan work. We thank them most sincerely for their efforts. Should anyone in our parish require a bit of help to get some shopping, medicines or anything else just text our confidential number 087 3439597 and you will get assistance.

The recent announcement by the GAA means that all club facilities will remain closed until at least the 20th of July.

For years, local businesses have given unconditional support to GAA clubs and continue to do so. Many of those businesses are experiencing extraordinary difficulties at the moment and we urge our members to support them now and in the future.

To date this Pandemic has been responsible for the deaths of more than 2,000 people on our beautiful island. It is important that we never forget those people. May the Soul of each and everyone of them Rest in Eternal Peace.