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Dublin Airport Authority

Club Notes

June 8, 2020

There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel as we continue our battle against Covid 19. However, we must not get careless and we must continue to adhere rigidly to the professional guidelines. The virus has not gone away unfortunately and it is capable of being reignited at any stage given the correct conditions. So, let’s be extremely cautious. Our club grounds remain closed and only those people authorised to carry out maintenance work are permitted to enter.

As some of you will be aware the GAA has issued a document entitled “Safe Return To Gaelic Games” in which it outlines a safe and secure route for the return to the playing of our beloved games. The club will be studying this document over the next few weeks and we will be communicating with all sections regarding the impact of its recommendations. Additional volunteers will be needed to help implement the new requirements.

Good luck to all the businesses who open their doors this week after a very difficult period. Once again we remind all members to support our club sponsors as often as possible.

Our Community Volunteer Group will continue to operate for as long as is necessary. You can contact us on our confidential text line 087 3439597.

As of now no final decision has been made regarding the running of Summer Camps.