Club Notes
June 25, 2020
The great news is that we are returning to play, adult teams from this Wednesday (24 June) and u18s and below from Saturday next (27 June).
The re-opening does come with some extra responsibilities for us all and it is vital that Members keep up to date with these responsibilities. Given that the guidelines from the GAA are changing almost daily I don’t propose detailing them here, they are freely available on However, it is mandated that all Mentors and players complete or have completed by their parent/guardian a Health Questionnaire (an app for this purpose is due) and that all players or their Parent/Guardian complete the GAA E-learning Module. Without both of these Members are not permitted to enter the Grounds. Individual sections will provide details on other measures as appropriate.
After careful consideration the club has decided to run summer camps and details are being provided to parents this week. Again, there are new associated restrictions and many clubs have decided against summer camps this year but we feel that our facilities give us some advantages and that with careful planning we can provide camps for Members.
As of now we have no visibility from the Dublin County Board on fixtures but we expect a huge demand on Pitches so please co-operate fully with the Pitch Allocator. Just a gentle reminder that there is such a thing as away friendlies.
We will have a clearer view as the weeks go by and no doubt our update in July will have more information.
We would like to thank the Members for the very high levels of co-operation in observing the requests to refrain from entering the grounds and once again our volunteers who have provided so much assistance to our neighbours and friends during the lockdown.
Now let’s get back to playing!!
Cecil Ryan, Chairman
On behalf of the Executive
Dublin Airport Authority