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Dublin Airport Authority

The mini leagues are back!

The mini leagues are back!

The mini leagues are back!

The mini leagues are back!

Posted May 30, 2016

The annual mini leagues kick off this week on Wednesday. The mini leagues have been running since the club was founded and are always a brilliant event for the kids to participate in. The focus as always is on fun, been part of a team and enjoying playing gaelic games.

They take place on Wednesday 1st June, Wednesday 8th June and the finals will be held on Friday 10th June, all commencing at 7pm sharp. The leagues are for children aged 4­-9 years (i.e. children born no earlier than 2007). The cost is €20 per household.

Please note children need to be registered in order to participate in the mini leagues but all kids registered will receive their team t­-shirts. Please contact Paddy Gorey if you still need to register – 087 311 0735.

If your about, come on up and enjoy the sunshine (hopefully!), the fun of the mini leagues and reminsence about the time you played in the mini leagues for Roscommon (popular in the 80s!!) against Kildare (popular in the 90s!!).

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